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Astrology and horoscopes concept. Astrological zodiac signs in circle on starry background.
Astrology and horoscopes concept. Astrological zodiac signs in circle on starry background.

General Daily Insight for September 16, 2024

Open hearts heal the quickest. The Moon begins the day in future-minded Aquarius, and will encourage some healthy rebellion when it squares off Uranus in Taurus. Luna then drifts into gentle Pisces to make an energizing trine to Mars in emotional Cancer. Today’s main focus, though, is the major opposition between Venus in Libra and Chiron in Aries at 5:29 pm EDT. This motivates us to begin healing our old wounds by willingly engaging with them and nurturing our souls in the process.


March 21 – April 19

The more open you are with others, the better your day can get. There is a big emphasis on leading with an open heart as Venus in your relationship makes its annual opposition to Chiron in your commanding sign. This is an invitation to cleanse yourself of any heaviness or emotional baggage you’ve been carrying around, because important people should be more than ready to listen and support you as you process things. Don’t turn your back on people — or on this opportunity.


April 20 – May 20

This can be a rather pleasant day — if you don’t get lost in the details. Venus in your 6th House of Self-Discipline is opposing Chiron in your 12th House of the Subconscious, so you’d be wise to focus on the essentials and tend to basic matters. Avoid attempting to change up the program or overthinking basic tasks. What starts as pulling at one thread could result in you totally unraveling without any good reason for it, so don’t lead yourself down unproductive paths.


May 21 – June 20

There are many different opinions at play today. You have every reason to do as you please while pleasure-loving Venus dances through your 5th House of Excitement, making for one of the most enjoyable times of the year. On the other hand, Venus will oppose Chiron in your communal 11th house, which means you may not be able to strictly follow your program. Be ready to go along with other people’s plans before running off to handle your own. Compromise will prove essential.


June 21 – July 22

Your duties cannot be easily ignored. It’s perfectly fair if you’d rather spend the day puttering around while aesthetic Venus tours your domestic 4th house. Regardless, that energy gets thrown off course when Venus opposes Chiron in your responsible 10th house, forcing you to change focus. Your supervisor may call upon you to save the day, or maybe an opportunity will arrive that is too good to turn down. Either way, go ahead and put on your game face! Prepare your notes accordingly.


July 23 – August 22

The world is looming rather large right now. You’ve got plenty of enjoyable things to tend to while Venus tours your 3rd House of Neighborhood Business, but you may begin to question your immediate boundaries as Venus opposes Chiron in your 9th House of Ideas. Perhaps you feel as though you’re playing it small when you should be living large, or that you’re getting too wrapped up in the details when you should be thinking big. Overthinking won’t solve these dilemmas, but action should.


August 23 – September 22

It’s a good idea to share your bounty when you can. This is just such a time as Venus in your deluxe 2nd house opposes Chiron in your intimate 8th house, reminding you how wonderful it can feel to be in a position to help others. That isn’t to say you need to bend over backward for someone else or need to give more than you have, simply that you may encounter someone who needs assistance, and you could be the right person to assist.


September 23 – October 22

A little bit of kindness can go a long way. You’re at your best while Venus is in your good-natured sign, but someone else may need extra support as Venus opposes Chiron in your cooperation sector. Not everyone has as much poise and grace as your sign, and sometimes those people need a helping hand! They’ll likely make it obvious under this tense angle. You can show someone how much you care, and it should do both of you a world of good.


October 23 – November 21

A gentle touch can keep an ongoing situation from spiraling out of control. It’s easy to flit through the world like a butterfly with Venus in your dreamy 12th house, but a more realistic issue may pop up when Venus opposes Chiron in your routine 6th house. A co-worker or client may stir up a problem that only you can fix! The wonderful thing is that Venus is smoothing your path to success, so don’t be scared of stepping in to save the day.


November 22 – December 21

This is a day for enjoying yourself. Everyone wants a piece of you while Venus is in your social 11th house, boosting your popularity. Letting yourself get carried away with it isn’t necessarily a bad thing as Venus opposes Chiron in your cheerful 5th house. Even if you’d typically want to keep at least one foot firmly planted in reality, this moment is different. The more you let go and go with the flow, the more happiness you can currently find.


December 22 – January 19

You deserve to be recognized for your efforts. Fortunately, under today’s opposition between Venus in your reputation sector and Chiron in your emotional sector, it looks like you’re first in line to get properly noticed for all you do. The process should bring a lot of satisfaction with it! Sometimes little voices in our head lie and tell us we don’t deserve everything we dream of, or can’t accomplish everything we hope to, but this angle could prove any naysayers very, very wrong.


January 20 – February 18

Your limitations aren’t nearly as permanent as they might look at first. Venus in your boundless 9th house broadens your field of view to include unique methods of achieving satisfaction. Still, its opposition to Chiron in your busy 3rd house could remind you of all the usual reasons you can’t fly off on an adventure. However, if you actually inspect these reasons, you may discover that they crumble at the lightest touch! You can break them down, whether it’s with a wrecking ball or feather.


February 19 – March 20

It’s natural to feel insecure sometimes. Right now, you might find yourself wallowing in the notion that you don’t have enough of whatever it is that you need, or that you’ll never be able to manifest the life you want. Happily, the opposition between Venus in your shared resources sector and Chiron in your security sector can show you how that isn’t actually the case. You probably have more support and security than you realize, so banish any fears that do not reflect reality.